Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dear Friends,
I could utter a triumphant “Told you so!”, as I have pointed (in writing) to the BP disaster for the 8 yrs I lived on the island and watched the oil rigs which throw off trash onto the beach. (Ask Lloyd Neal about when I wrote to him when he was mayor---he was shocked. I told him even Jesus couldn’t walk on this water, He would trip on the trash floating in it) I have written Senators Cornyn and Hutchison, Congressman Solomon Ortiz, TX Land Commission over the 8 years many, many times and always get the same canned response. In the case of the Land Commissioner, I got a really stupid reply which suggested I get out there and clean up the beach when we have community clean up days---,as if that was all it took! (This is sweet and I do it, but it lets them off the hook and is not effective.) I have called and left messages dozens of times on the Congressional switchboard. I have given money over and over. I have spoken with Congressional aides, I have tried to help by being involved with Beautify Corpus Christi, but am moving on from that for a number of very good reasons, not the least of which is its endorsement of Las Brisas Coal Fired facility. I was the only Board member to vote against it, and even though I felt intimidated and embarrassed, I did it. I feel great about it now. I refuse to be intimidated again. If you want to leave a message or speak to Senators Cornyn or Hutchison, or Congr. Solomon Ortiz, the Congressional switchboard number is (202) 224 3121. If you live in another state, you can use the same number to leave them a message about environmental/other issues.

I just moved from the Island, which place was a constant source of sorrow for me, with daily reminders of our dying planet. If you lived where you could see, feel, taste, touch and smell it you would be concerned and upset too. I have seen more dead marine life on the beach & in the H2o than live, including a very large Kemps-Ridgley endangered turtle floating dead at the National Seashore (PINS) (July 2002)!!!

Red tide caused by pollution and climate changes aggravates respiratory problems for man and beast alike. Allergies are a huge problem. You know when your very breathing is compromised and you are coughing from the pollution that we have a huge problem. (Have asthma again after years of not having it.) Red tides sure kill fish. And overly warmed waters leave piles of dead seaweed each summer which rots and stinks, full of mold. Very nasty smelling and intensely ugly. PINS puts out a report on where you are advised not to fish because of the pollution and red tides!!! It is a huge wake-up call to see this. Go online now and then and check it out. (Okay, I won’t fish, but what about the breathing part?)

[For months, no years, it seems to be in fashion to blame everything on Mexico and Mexicans…people tell me the water born trash comes from there…along with the illegals. There are aliens and then there are aliens, it seems to me. Some are grindingly poor, and some are limo-driven and wear Seville Row suits. It seems to me that BP executives have what I call Golden Green Cards. They have committed an enormous crime. But, they’re privileged aliens who are bringing us this disaster. Let’s deport the Brits! (How shocking, right?) Let’s go after the big players and not the poor miserable man or woman who only works, pays our social security and wants to help his family. These issues are related. Do not be fooled!]

In the fall ‘09, several coyotes died from eating the fish killed by red tides!!! I always thought coyotes and other like animals were ‘bullet proof’ when it comes to diet. Padre Island National Seashore issued warnings regarding letting your pets eat ANYTHING on the beach People were advised to stay off the beach for several days. Local vets said there were several cases of sick or dead dogs who had got hold of red tide affected fish. We were advised it is best to avoid the beach. Nice resort area, right?

I have more than once happened upon a hugs piles of industrial gloves stained with bright-colored chemicals. To me, this pointed to the carelessness and lack of control of the people who run those oil rigs. They cannot even manage to take out the trash correctly. So how can they be expected to do a flawless job of running these rigs and avoiding the kinds of accidents that we have seen? No company, no matter how big and powerful, can avoid making mistakes. So the risks they took were huge. And add to this the fact that BP and other got a pass---they got out of using a $500k piece of equipment on each rig that would have helped avoid this sort of thing. They were given this pass by our government.

There are countless containers, water bottles, rubbers, tampons, etc. There are diapers, disposable razors, couches, etc. People at PINS told me they have seen everything from cast off appliances to dead cows in the water. This is the pollution of the Everyday World and the common man or woman who is careless and stupid. But with all this, would you like to take a dip? A few years ago, about 3 y/a, there was “fecal matter” in our water!!! Are you getting thirsty yet?

When I first moved to PI, some locals told me not to swim in the waters here and at first I couldn’t figure out why…now I know. There is no way I would go in that water. As you know, in the shallows, people fish a lot. Well at least one case of death by flesh eating bacteria has occurred for these unfortunate anglers. Don’t forget you sunscreen, Bubba!

This is all very real. It is not some figment of my imagination. Yet it makes me seem crazy to be writing this. I am just telling you what I see. What is shocking? All of it. The local politicians are shoving a coal fired plant our way and local folks are all over it thinking it will bring jobs. In the end, will it make a positive difference for CC? Is the trade off going to be worth it? The air and water quality here…well.they suck!

So call me a Tree Hugger, everyone, but I know what I see. I am very upset about this and unless EACH ONE OF US TAKES OUR SHARE OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY,we will shortly destroy the planet. We are off to a great start on this. Look around you, don’t even look real hard, you will see it. It is way beyond ‘beautification” and gardening.

I know that the responsibility rests with me. I know I need to consume less, downsize my car and home, etc. I am actually doing this. I have reduced the ‘footprint’ of my dwelling space by downsizing 1000sq. ft. We have moved so my husband’s commute is cut in half. There are some things that are harder to do and ask more of me. I could use fewer packaged products like heavily pkg’d cosmetics. I am very vain and this will be a huge challenge. I could come out of my denial and stop saying it can’t be helped and that it is their fault. I could think about the world I am turning over to my beloved grandniece, Margaret Grace. I could and will work harder on behalf of our environment. I could put my own interests on the line. I will be a fool and play the fool if I must. I could speak out more and not care who thinks I’m crazy because I am just a truth teller.

I really see no excuses for anyone. If you are driving a huge SUV and are in it alone, you are not safer! You are NOT protecting your family, not in the long run. No, you are contributing to pollution, and your fuel consumption makes you responsible for what is happening and continues to happen to marine life. You are poisoning the very air you breathe.

If you think of yourself as Christian, you know that when Christ died on the cross, the cause of death was suffocation. After all the blows, all the wounds, all the lacerations, after the taste of vinegar in his mouth, after the jeers and laughter, after the betrayal of His innocence, he suffocated. The next time you see an oil covered bird, know that like Christ on the cross, she too is suffocating. “Whatever you do unto these, the least of my brethren, you do unto me.” Did Jesus mean human children only, or did he mean the little things that support us all, every fly hatched, every larva, every drop of water and molecule of air? Do you think Jesus was working for you or just making a savvy career move?

(By the way, I respect all religions and belief systems, and regard Jesus’ life and death as an excellent example for this particular issue.)

Do you want to be part of a society that does this to the Created World? Do you give up? Surrender? Say it can’t be done and it’s not about you? I hope not. Let’s all get real!

I know so many people who work sincerely on behalf of Creation, the natural world, beauty. They do it for God, they do it for Man and Woman and Child. They love nature, animals, and dare I thank them so much? Thank you!

My purpose shall stand, and I will fulfill my intention.--Isaiah 46:10

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