Monday, November 29, 2010

to hug a chest

Leaving mom's place 4 what's likely the last time I know somethings i-ll never see again ....whpere will they go? Best not to ask. A mahogany chest where daddy's starched white shirts lay in their laundry boxes. In a triangular tray for years he kept his wisdom teeth, the navy took them out and sent them home w the sailor who valued learning maybe wisdom & so couldn't let the ivory go

They're gone now...but where .

We end up anyway blown w the 4 corners of the earth.

I looked at the brass pulls where his hands had been ....wondering if his ashes lay in. Crevices deep within.
What will happen now to the chest he owned and used to dress his young self?
Sold given away
With a couple of my streak tears diem the front of it
no one will ever know


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